An analysis of all these emails provides a less benign view of what editors face when entering this thorny debate.
But newspapers, and their editors, can face other constraints.
Would your task have been easier if editors were facing an indictment, instead of merely an injunction?
Despite its relatively moderate tone, the editor faced severe vindictiveness and animosity from local conservatives.
The editor of the magazine faced arrest and prosecution.
If convicted, the editor, Erwin Arnada, could face a maximum prison term of more than two and a half years.
Once the subjects were chosen, the editors faced another political challenge: whether to be subjective or largely non-judgmental.
To provide a modern text in such cases, editors must face the choice between the original first version and the later, revised, usually more theatrical version.
Its editor, once a notable advocate of the Ahl-e-Hadith was now facing extreme financial hardship.
The editors of two opposition newspapers in Congo are facing the death penalty.