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It was largely devoid of editorialization when first published, but would be strongly revised several times.
And across the country the increasing politicization of news by editorialization in the news columns.
Other errors were categorized as substitutions, editorialization and addition.
In time, trends toward editorialization, gossip or dirt meanness are picked up by readers and advertisers.
The result is a level of editorialization on British TV not permitted on American networks.
(7) Editorialization is avoided.
This sprightly editorialization of the weather news will surely lead to "Tomorrow, unseasonably cold, bone-chilling," perhaps all the way to "Tomorrow, overcast, drizzly, suicidal."
Becoming editor had been the greatest day of his life, and now these people were telling him that his paper was apolitical and had a lack of analysis and editorialization.
By means of criticism and editorialization, they laid the groundwork for a set of concepts, revolutionary at the time, which the American film critic Andrew Sarris called auteur theory.
Professionally, the article is worth noting simply as a warning to other magazines, newspapers and TV news programs: This is what can come out when "news stories" are allowed to cross over into editorialization by choice of words, angling and stacking.