Renaissance Faire - A sophomore long-term project culminating in a large "faire" set up throughout the school, with the intention of educating the students and faculty about the Renaissance.
Librarians also educate faculty, administrators, and others about the benefits of open access.
The Center for the Environment was established in 1996 to educate students, faculty, staff and the public about environmental stewardship and sustainability.
What we are trying to do on our campus at Queensborough Community College is to educate students and faculty to be aware of their rights and responsibilities.
EvCC educates almost 20,000 students every year at seven learning centers throughout Snohomish County, with most students and faculty at the main campus in north Everett.
The group also hopes to educate law students and faculty about poverty in other ways.
In the fall of 2006 over forty campuses held educational events or teach ins to educate students and faculty about the war and what they could do to oppose it.
They also educate faculty and staff on the rights and responsibilities of students.
The responsibility for educating non-Muslim students and faculty lies, to a large extent, with Muslim students and student associations.
Special education for students with learning disabilities was introduced, and State-certified special-education teachers and a psychologist were hired to meet students' needs and educate faculty about working with learning disabilities.