Its recommendations encompass issues such as stigma, the need for evidence-based programs, and efforts to educate and hold policymakers and other leaders accountable.
The purpose was to educate policymakers about what was taking place, with the hope that increased awareness amongst political leaders would lead to the action necessary to end the crisis.
Its mission was to educate policymakers, opinion leaders and the public about issues associated with technological change, based on a philosophy of limited government, free markets and individual sovereignty.
The Galen Institute also states that their key goals are to: "Educate policymakers about the dangers that government control over the health sector pose to our economy and our society."
EESI educates policymakers and the public through timely information and innovative policy initiatives in the form of Congressional briefings, publications, task forces and meetings.
Working with state CPA societies and other professional organizations, the AICPA provides information to and educates federal, state and local policymakers regarding key issues.
RPA educates policymakers about issues that affect both patients and nephrology practices.
The War of Ideas Project - The War of Ideas project has the goal of educating policymakers about the political and ideological realms of international relations.
COST will educate policymakers and the public regarding the state and local tax system and business' direct and indirect contributions to the state and local tax system.
It describes its mission as to "educate its members, policymakers and the public about corporate governance, shareowner rights and related investment issues, and to advocate on members' behalf."