This was seen by the judge as a potential windfall for Microsoft, not only in educating schoolchildren on Microsoft solutions but also in flooding the market with Microsoft products.
The nonprofit center, which he founded in 1976, rescues beached whales and seals, sponsors beach-cleaning expeditions and seeks to educate schoolchildren on ecology and animal rights.
The team educates local schoolchildren and adults about the forest environment and endemic animals and the threats they face.
Catholic School Alternative Mayor Giuliani says a top aide is studying John Cardinal O'Connor's offer to educate public schoolchildren in Catholic schools.
Run entirely by volunteers, its emphasis is on educating schoolchildren, who can assist with daily feedings and observe penguins, sea lions, turtles and other rescued wildlife.
This project aims to educate schoolchildren from kindergarten onwards in entrepreneurship and business.
He is eager to educate schoolchildren about Tourette's, something he has done for the past four off seasons, and hopes he has a World Series ring to show them.
Aggressively educating schoolchildren on the harmful effects of tobacco may help terminate the pernicious cycle of cigarette use by parents and their children.
For others, it's a chance to rebuild houses after a natural disaster, educate foreign schoolchildren or even take part in an archaeological dig.