Sun's Three Stages of Revolution called for a period of "political tutelage" where people would be educated before elections can occur.
Children used to be educated by monks before secular state schools came into being.
Freedmen were often led by free blacks who had become educated before the war.
(Chinese girls were not encouraged to be educated before the 20th century, thus many were illiterate.)
Bureaucrats have complained over the years that Japan's youth need to be educated sufficiently about sexual diseases before the pill becomes a common contraceptive.
Even characters who had been free and possibly educated before the war had trouble making a place for themselves in the postwar years.
He was educated as a civil engineer in a British-run university in the years before Sudan's independence.
Older people, who were educated before the abolition of the z sometimes also use it.
These leaders were born before the revolution from 1924 to 1934 but were educated afterwards before the Sino-Soviet split.
Childs was born at Eastbourne on 31 August 1939, and educated at the local grammar school before training to be an actor.