This translates into hundreds of millions of lost education dollars each year.
It should be to see that as many education dollars as possible go directly to the classrooms, where they will do the most good.
Children who have left flooded areas will find themselves in a proto-school-choice program, with education dollars strapped to each individual child.
A "guarantee that 65% of every education dollar goes into our classrooms."
And he decried the lack of a deal on a new teacher evaluation system, needed now to attain federal education dollars.
I came out of that meeting convinced more than ever that teachers like these know best how Federal education dollars should be spent.
But there is also the issue, less understood, of how education dollars are spent.
Colorado rejected a school choice plan to allow parents to take public education dollars to private schools.
He also called for new measures to assess how effectively principals and schools were spending education dollars.
This means that each town now has exactly the same capacity to raise education dollars as any other town.