In the summer of 2012 came under pressure from labor groups upset over advertisements on the site by two education reform groups critical of teachers unions.
He said his trip was sponsored by national education reform groups, among them the American Education Reform Foundation of Indianapolis, and followed trips to Massachusetts, New York and California.
Yesterday, Mr. Levy said the Board of Education would pay to print and mail material opposing Edison to be produced by the New York chapter of Acorn, an education reform group.
Does New York need another education reform group?
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The National Association of Scholars (NAS), an education reform group, and an early critic of the Residence Life program, called the amended version a repackaging of the original program.
Achieve Inc., a Washington-based education reform group, found the common core standards "more rigorous and coherent."
He also interned for the Foundation for Florida's Future, an education reform group founded by Jeb Bush.
AN education reform group made a stop on Long Island last weekend to rally support for a reapportionment of state aid to schools.
Mobility has become a significant new focal point of education reform groups trying to understand student achievement.