And, given events, it is right to ask the education service to do more.
In 2019, the District reported that 13.6% or 505 students received special education services.
The district administration reported that 405 or 11.9% of students received special education services.
At this point, nearly 6 million children receive special education services.
It provides easy access to medical, government, and education services.
He says education services for young people need to be improved.
In December 2008, the district reported that 13.3% of students or 1021 children received special education services.
In 2009 the administration reported that 1,270 students (12%) received special education services.
The Administration reported that 559 students or 18.2% were receiving special education services in 2009.
Costs: Schools are required to provide special education services but may not be given additional financial resources.