In years 1856 - 1860 he became education supervisor and on his behalf was established the first Slovak high school in Revúca.
In 1984, Carder was certified as a clinical pastoral education supervisor.
The Day School's administrative staff holds certification as teachers, elementary or secondary school administrators, special education supervisors, or a combination of those credentials.
Three days later, the same five members voted to grant tenure to two principals, an assistant principal and a special education supervisor.
In 1969, he became a special education supervisor in the Hartford schools.
In 1984, the school board in a 6-5 vote named him the secondary education supervisor.
Each has its own accountants, special education supervisor, bilingual education supervisor, teacher trainers, grant writers and other administrators.
About 6,000 people work in the local and high school district offices, including teacher trainers, truancy officers, special education supervisors and curriculum developers.
Her mother retired as a special education supervisor in District 29 in Queens Village, Queens.
One is an education supervisor trying to restore harmony in a public school district buffeted by scandal and fractious racial disputes.