The organization provides legal assistance in the areas of housing and eviction, public benefits, and educational access.
Before independence, educational access was very restricted.
As a result of increased educational access, enrollment rates more than doubled between 1996 and 2006.
The goal is to provide students of all ages with every learning style with positive, participatory, educational, musical access at school every day.
A15 Education Page B6 Washington is pressed on equal educational access to technology.
During British colonial rule, educational access for women improved tremendously.
Before 1959 the official literacy rate for Cuba was between 60-76%, with educational access in rural areas and a lack of instructors the main determining factors.
Educators and political leaders will need to work vigorously to reopen educational access and avoid long-term division.
Furthermore, demand in the developing world for improved educational access is not as high as foreigners have expected.
These efforts are already providing enhanced educational access, curricular innovation and, in many cases, new revenue streams.