Parliament, in Boyle's formulation, 'does not take a narrowly vocational view of educational advance.
Emergency Medical Responders are obviously not elegible for these educational advances due to their limited scope of practice and education.
There were several important educational advances that took place in Troy, especially in scientific education and the education of women.
But for most, persistence and endurance were still the prerequisites of educational advance.
Other Grawemeyer prizes include an award to stimulate educational advances and another in music composition.
Curriculum development programmes of some magnitude got going before ever attempts were made to chart national goals or directions for educational advance.
They would be available to share expertise, offer advice and provide an informed focus for locally based educational advance.
Despite substantial educational advances among blacks, the registrar determined whether individual prospective voters answered correctly.
The United States has been the world leader in educational advances, beginning with the high school movement (1910-1950).
The horse and the cow represent the cattle; the books stand for educational and cultural advances.