Starting this young with sexually explicit information poses its own set of educational challenges.
Promise Neighborhoods helps communities build a continuum of services from cradle to career to help children meet educational challenges.
But while Timbuktu's educational challenge may be greater than that of other places, in many ways it reflects problems elsewhere in the region.
We must not revisit the divisive issues of the past but look forward and face the educational challenges of the future.
Backers of the plan concede they have a monumental educational challenge.
Between 23 and 24 April 2010 he presided over the two days on the diocesan educational challenge.
I understand the unique educational challenges facing Nevada's rural communities.
Finally, we must link our educational challenge to our jobs crisis.
These are interesting ideas that make it clear why simplistic responses to the Japanese educational challenge, like more school days, won't do.
Learning World looks not only at current issues but also examines the educational challenges of the future.