Her mother is an educational evaluator for District 24 in Middle Village.
Usually this requires at least the presence of a psychologist and educational evaluator.
On orders of the court, the board has hired thousands of psychologists, educational evaluators and other school employees to administer the special education system.
Three-member teams of psychologists, social workers and educational evaluators - often former teachers - test and interview 33,000 children a year.
His mother is an educational evaluator in Queens for the Board of Education's special education committee.
His mother is an educational evaluator in Queens for the New York City Board of Education.
To research the project, she interviewed people who help schoolchildren deal with traumas, including her husband, Neil Curtis, an educational evaluator.
The bridegroom's mother is an independent educational evaluator and art curator in Cliffside Park.
But the plan is likely to face stiff opposition from the United Federation of Teachers, which represents nearly 3,500 school psychologists, social workers and educational evaluators.
And they said that 960 educational evaluators would return to teaching at least half of the time.