Of late, the first of these mandatory educational excursions has been to Amsterdam, the capital city of the Netherlands.
The school also organizes off-site educational excursions such as - swimming, downhill skiing, camping, Batoche and career days.
Students, faculty and friends can all join for an exceptional educational excursion.
The Icelandic Elf School in Reykjavík organizes five hour long educational excursions for visitors.
To make the most of the Norwegian winter, Hurtigruten offer a huge choice of fascinating, exciting and educational excursions that you just can't miss.
In 1996 Incarnation took forty 7th and 8th grade students to Fukuoka, Japan for a 10 day educational excursion, repeated in 1998 and 2002.
The visits, billed as educational excursions, are but one of a broad range of church-sponsored activities in the Soviet Union.
On Saturday, there is an educational excursion.
Magnús organizes five hour long educational excursions for visitors, and finishes the tour with coffee and pancakes at the school.
There is music, games, and educational excursions.