Low educational expectations have been pinpointed as a risk factor.
Further classrooms including modern facilities for technology and computing were added in the 1980s in response to rising educational expectations and growing pupil numbers.
Other typical non-cognitive factors include students' educational expectations and their feelings of self-efficacy and even social and financial support.
High educational expectations as a cultural phenomenon and the essence of Confucian philosophy.
Financial difficulties, including the triple burden of salaries, building costs, and rising educational expectations necessitated a settlement.
Although there has been a big upswing in the nation's educational expectations, precious little is known about how to ensure high academic performance, especially for low-income students.
He said that the use of adjunct professors did not meet students' educational expectations.
These factors include absenteeism, grade retention, special education placement, low performance and grades, and low educational expectations.
A second change is that today's 18-year-olds grew up with educational expectations that differ sharply from those of their predecessors.
African Americans' educational expectations: Longitudinal causal models for women and men.