Such aid would force all Americans to support the educational ministries of religious institutions and entangle church and state.
The school was founded in 1953 as an educational ministry of Danville's First Baptist Church.
After almost one hundred and forty years, the Sisters' educational ministry in Sharon Hill had come to an end.
Quinn inspired and encouraged women to lead in parish governance, educational, liturgical, financial and social ministries.
The educational ministry, started in Zamboanga, was disrupted during the years that followed.
Working with parents as partners in this educational ministry, we strive for academic excellence, spiritual enrichment, and Christlike leadership for the transformation of the world.
Is the future of the church impaired by holding to its religious, educational and charitable ministry?
As part of its educational ministry that site is open as a National Historic Landmark.
The organization is an educational ministry that publishes three award-winning journals, hosts a Web site and a blog, and a weekly e-newsletter.
She contributed towards the educational ministry of Maharastra, and was the school's principal for most of its history.