They were then sent to Gosport, near Portsmouth to receive further educational preparation, while serving churches there.
Without question, it embodied an unrealistic assessment of Paiute financial resources, educational preparation, and management training.
Under his leadership, the first building was constructed and enrollment grew from 35 to 252 students with varying educational preparation.
Education for librarianship is the term for the educational preparation for professional librarians.
The exam measures oral and written language skills, and evaluates the graduate's educational preparation.
Preparing Children Many families seem to believe, however, that preschools and day care centers offer better educational preparation than other kinds of care.
They facilitate therapeutic interventions including playroom sessions, educational preparation for procedures, diagnosis education and grief support.
The educational preparation for archivists varies from country to country.
"These are all very bright kids," Dr. Sward said, "but of course they have varying educational preparation in their home countries."
There is a similar emphasis to be found on the educational preparation for citizenship in the report of the Speaker's Commission.