"It would be nice if we had that luxury, because from an educational standpoint, it's a good idea," said David Kapel, dean of Rowan University's School of Education.
It is important, from an educational standpoint, to document this unique resource, so that future generations of students and historians will understand their community's heritage.
Resi's talk on the horrors of life behind the Iron Curtain was brief and dull, and so unsatisfactory from an educational standpoint that Jones had to prompt her.
The problem is that from an educational standpoint no one really knows yet what works and what does not.
The change of family setting proved beneficial for Sylvis from an educational standpoint, who was taught to read and write by his new employer.
From an educational standpoint, such transformations were projected through federal reports, such as A Nation at Risk in 1983 and What Matters Most: Teaching for America's Future in 1996.
And from an educational standpoint, it goes a long way toward meeting the needs of the kids of this state.
Cindy Moles, the state director of Concerned Women for America, said the bill was trying to indoctrinate children to "dangerous sexual lifestyles" and was unnecessary from an educational standpoint.
"From an educational standpoint, we are disappointed with this decision," Renfro said.
"We took it from an educational standpoint," Larry Lucky, the school's chef, said.