In educational testing, which has become a big business, there are no health, safety or national security issues to compel an inquiry.
His contributions to the field of educational testing are significant and still evident today.
The story of how educational testing became so important, and an argument that every American should be educated at Federal direction and expense.
Validity is generally considered the most important issue in psychological and educational testing because it concerns the meaning placed on test results.
In the past, he contributed to such areas of public debate as Black Lung legislation, and the problems with educational testing.
For example, in setting cut scores for educational testing, experts might be instructors familiar with the capabilities of the student population for the test.
Many of Ms. Washington's changes have focused on such areas as dormitories, medical and educational testing and the school program.
He has pioneered educational testing, evaluation, and assessment in India.
Despite its nonprofit status, it is the world's largest private educational testing and measurement organization.
In many fields, such as medical research, educational testing, and psychology, there will often be a trade-off between reliability and validity.