Neither control nor rules about violence are enough to create an educationally sound and nonviolent school.
We would hope that we have earned the trust of the greater school community to make an educationally sound choice.
To assure well-rounded and educationally sound exhibits, a full-time exhibit team works in conjunction with the education department to create and design new experiences.
These resources will be organised in an easily discoverable and educationally sound manner.
These programs provide an educationally sound curriculum combining theory and clinical practice.
At that meeting we suggested a high-level study to develop an intelligent, educationally sound program.
After an out-of-court settlement, we were allowed to complete our studies in an ethically and educationally sound manner.
Is all of that money going to be spent in an educationally sound pattern?
But in addition, I think it's an educationally sound policy.
In practice delegation to the head teacher is usually seen as the most reasonable and educationally sound arrangement.