For more than two decades, politicans and educators in New Jersey and around the nation have debated whether money is truly the key to improving city schools, which have long lagged behind their suburban counterparts.
For the first time in this city's history, educators are debating college readiness instead of graduation rates.
Across New York State and the nation, educators are struggling with performance slumps in middle schools and debating how best to teach students at a transitional, volatile age.
In the United States, educators are still debating whether early learning programs are a good idea.
That is a particular concern in New York City, where educators, politicians and parents have debated for decades whether bilingual programs help or hinder the mainstreaming of immigrant children.
At a time when educators are debating President Bush's plan to let parents choose their children's schools, Eastern District illustrates the challenges and risks of choice.
While educators across the United States debate the merits of the whole-language and phonics teaching methods, Street Theater sidesteps the controversy by incorporating both methods in its potpourri of techniques.
And educators are debating whether special preparations risk stigmatizing children who have already been unfairly portrayed as young monsters because of problems resembling those of emotionally disturbed, abused or neglected children.
As for positive effects, educators and learning scientists have also debated how to leverage the motivation students had for playing games as well as exploring the medium of videogames for educational and pedagogical purposes.
Some educators have debated the merits of a four-day school week to allow the existing pool of teachers to serve more children.