After the bureaucracy of education is overhauled, why not let creative educators develop programs collectively, while the clearinghouse researches proven programs throughout the United States?
Transformative learning about teaching occurs when educators critically examine their practice and develop alternative perspectives of understanding their practice.
Many school websites share certain characteristics, and some educators have developed guidelines to help schools create the best and most useful websites they can.
Therefore, instead of letting it spread and become a class-wide problem, this wise educator has developed a fail-proof plan to nip it in the bud.
But so far, educators have not developed a successful model for rehabilitating delinquents, notwithstanding large commitments of public funds.
These educators also develop training products for personnel Soldiers, NCOs, and Officers.
Mr. Harr's book, Professor Grossman said, arrived just when legal educators were developing an appetite for something like it.
In this program, educators develop the knowledge and skills to meet the cognitive, affective, and social needs of gifted, creative and talented learners.
Several psychologists and educators have developed programs to help children become more critical television viewers.
History Awareness Workshops: Helps educators develop teaching strategies for informative content and practical classroom applications.