But my children were as amazed at this strange petrel with its eerie call as I had hoped they would be.
Nightshade stood in front of the entrance and howled a long eerie call.
An eerie call of a sea bird startled him.
Dark, swirling fog formed a creeping shroud about the unseen author of that eerie call.
They are easily detected by their distinctive tremulous eerie calls at dawn and dusk.
They produce an eerie chuhua-aa call with a quaver in the second note.
The eerie call has been associated with ill omen in some parts of Kerala.
The griffon added its own eerie call, a deep, trilling growl that was also part lion, part eagle.
The calls from above halted; from all parts of the hunting field, eerie out of the dark, came the responses.
The eerie call passed over him once more.