Let us see what equality and hard-times can effect for the mental health of a brain-sick young British lord.
He is a schizoid type, and our psychologists will be able to effect a temporary recovery only for the moment.
During his year there he effected a practical control of mosquitoes for the first time in that city's history.
The climate change is caused cumulatively and today's emissions will effect for decades forward.
Stalin's five-year plan was an attempt to effect a new way of life for the Russian people.
Proposal to effect a policy with us for two thousand pounds.
The aftermath of such a discussion may effect our relationship for the rest of our lives.
Any action that Bush takes now will not effect their economy for at least 12-18 months.
The individual can then learn to effect a change in his or her responses to pain, for example, by using relaxation techniques.
The possibility of effecting a significant cure for a patient is half the joy of medicine.