The lights are then restored to reveal that the egg has hatched, and sound effects indicate that a creature is moving around the ride chamber.
There seems to be a negative effect on single copy sales, but the overall effect does not indicate a great deal of impact on paid dailies.
These side effects of treatment indicate that the highest tolerable dose has been reached.
A dash represents no effect to the force indicated.
The myriad and often-conflicting effects mediated by the above pathways indicate the existence of extensive cross-talk.
Such effect is caused by simple averaging and the effect indicates insufficient discrimination of first echoes.
The physiological effects indicate the direction of the remedial applications.
The effects of the crisis on world trade indicate a possible 10% decline in 2009.
These effects indicate how opinion polls can directly affect political choices of the electorate.
Now, when I examined the star- stone, the optical effects indicated the dextral situation.