Two of the men, stunned but game, staggered to the brink of the open shaft to assay the effects of the charge.
They had come up here to escape the effects of the charge which they had used to blow the lower vault.
Second, she contended that her husband misrepresented to her the effect of the legal charge.
In persuading them to sign, the son misrepresented the effect of the charge.
As the judge found, Mr. O'Brien misrepresented to his wife the effect of the charge.
No explanation of the effect of the charge or of the sum intended to be thereby secured was offered to her.
The company did not disclose the after-tax effect of the charge.
Just behind the charges the effect of the opposite charge is minimal so the field lines resemble those of an isolated charge.
The effect of the charge and other tax-related actions on net earnings will be 6 cents a share, the company said.
Kodak said the effect of the $375 million charge on cash flow would be limited because most of the job reductions were expected to result from retirement.