They pass ordinances and resolutions for the effective administration of the province.
The infrastructure of the region is such that effective administration is possible.
However, in the midst of an economic crisis, the company was forced to go into administration, effective December 3, 2008.
The camp is divided into nine sectors for the efficient and effective administration.
It was felt that in each case the membership was too large, and did not allow for effective administration.
Goa was too small to administer itself and its effective administration would only be possible as a part of a larger state.
We must ensure that capacity for effective public administration continues to improve at central and provincial levels.
The second aspect that I should like to mention concerns the effective administration of the agencies.
The point is therefore for us to live up to our responsibility and do what we can to bring about a sound and effective administration.
He worked with Perrot to establish an effective administration of the common law.