Platinum would be a more effective catalyst, but it is very costly and easily poisoned.
These young people shared the belief that education is a critical requisite and an effective catalyst for social and economic change in India.
It can also be an effective catalyst.
These substances tend to be highly reactive which can significantly speed up the rate of the reaction making them effective catalysts.
Therefore, the development of effective catalysts to produce propylene is of great interest.
These foams are effective catalysts and are being investigated for other applications.
If the original impulse needed some help to turn those first sparks into a full-scale conflagration, another more effective catalyst must have been at work.
Using an effective catalyst, this process can be extended to build long polysilanes.
Now, the world's come around again and people realize that some of that change was hard, but she was an effective catalyst.
A 2008 study showed that palladium is an effective catalyst for making carbon-fluoride bonds.