Nevertheless it does seem undesirable that our present institutional framework should be beyond the scope of effective challenge by either political or legal means.
Provided your employer acts reasonably, you will find it difficult to launch an effective legal challenge of his decision.
Even though an early start is considered de rigueur for an effective challenge, there are obvious perils to the strategy.
It said that the euro could benefit developing countries by mounting an effective challenge to the dollar.
Our clients, a local stockbroker and his wife, had the means to fund an effective challenge to the policy.
Low-income women receive vouchers (without effective legal challenge) to buy day care at religious institutions.
The move comes after an election in which the opposition mounted their most effective challenge since independence.
The hub-and-spoke system made it harder for small airlines to mount an effective challenge to major networks.
A poor central campaign by the Liberals prevented him from mounting an effective challenge.
What seemed to be a change in tack came amid considerable discussion as to how effective his challenges to the President's ethics had been.