Little or no thought is given to planning effective lighting.
Daylighting is the practice of placing windows or other openings and reflective surfaces so that during the day natural light provides effective internal lighting.
They then add decorative elements - color, texture, effective lighting and accessories - to create a satisfying or dramatic atmosphere.
These may include concerned neighbors, watchful parents, crime prevention strategies (such as locking devices, security alarms, effective lighting, etc.), and patrol officers.
The gateway contains seating, trees, effective lighting and two large water features, one of which includes The Cutting Edge steel sculpture.
"Now they are coming across the threshold to effective lighting - delivering the light where you want it."
Scott Zielinski's largely effective melodramatic lighting adds to the effect.
Also responsible for the set design and amazingly effective lighting, Michael Poynor's production made superb use of his youthful cast.
Mark Stanley's effective if unsubtle lighting amplifies the visual impact.
The Upstairs Space is a small black box theater with small but effective lighting and sound systems.