"The dollar has become an effective limit on how much further the Fed could ease."
The typical high-end apartment project of the 1920's was 12 to 15 stories high, conforming to the effective 150-foot limit for multiple dwellings.
Trustees serve four-year terms with a two-term limit effective November 2000.
Men no longer considered that there was any effective limit to the number of organic compounds that were possible.
Limited government exists where some effective limits restrict governmental power.
But effective limits remain on the chances for blacks and whites to form relationships that can build tolerance.
But they seemed to recognize eight women as their effective limit, Patty said.
Because of tax credits, the effective lower limit on taxable estates was $338,333.
Under national treatment norms being phased in by Medicare, there is an effective limit of 20 visits a year for therapy.
This highlighted the effective limits of Christianity in India.