It is obvious that political contributions and effective lobbyists pay rich dividends, as has been vividly demonstrated by the tobacco industry.
Moreover, the pharmaceutical industry is widely considered to be one of the most powerful and effective lobbyists around.
Unfortunately, this extension shows the country's bureaucrats are very effective lobbyists.
One of the more effective lobbyists on this issue was the Texas Medical Association, whose members are major contributors to political campaigns.
Voters are very effective lobbyists that legislators do listen to.
His former employer, the Sun Company, once described him as one of the oil industry's "most effective" lobbyists.
Medical providers are much more effective lobbyists than are the uninsured.
She is often mentioned as one of the most effective lobbyists and the most powerful people in healthcare.
But when their jobs are threatened, civil servants have proved effective lobbyists.
She became a valuable ally and an effective lobbyist in high-level government meetings.