General Hindman proved a more effective organizer than a battlefield leader.
Appearing beside Sebastian, Lotta took the receiver from him and said, "My husband's a very effective organizer, Miss Fisher.
(338) Individuals with high social intelligence are very self-aware, and effective organizers and leaders.
One newspaper reporter described King as an effective organizer and a "fiery" public speaker.
He was a very effective organizer and re-founded the party's Gau headquarters, becoming its branch leader.
The women of the AWU were effective organizers, who fought against the colonial government, with different types of resistance tactics.
While he is described as bright and an effective organizer, even the cognoscenti here do not know his real inner leanings.
He was an effective organizer, and was largely responsible for organizing the McGill-français demonstration of March 1969.
Alinsky believed that anyone could be an effective organizer if they applied his lessons, which were based on his own experiences.
But he is an effective organizer who delivers.