However, many organisations require a change in their culture (Section 2.3) to enable effective participation.
Open-mindedness is generally considered an important personal attribute for effective participation in management teams and other groups.
There is still a need to develop more effective participation from the community.
It has created many important laws to protect the rights of citizens and to promote Jamaica's effective participation in the global economy through international trade.
She defended that Brazilian problems would be solved with a greater and more effective participation of women in society.
Yet their effective participation in this counterfeit being has to be perceived as real.
We need national strategies to be developed that allow full and effective participation by all stakeholders, including local communities.
Now, however, all Member States need to agree on their effective participation in the area without internal borders.
His work is very constructive and he, together with the Russians, are making a variety of preparations to ensure their effective participation in the conference.
Political cooperation between Member States must be strengthened through the effective participation of all citizens.