These limits may define a very brief interval for effective vaccination of gilts that are bred before 7 months of age.
There's an effective vaccination to protect people from hepatitis B infection.
More widespread and effective vaccination of children would also be a boon for parents.
An effective vaccination may not have much impact on backyard flocks, which tend to be outside the GOE vaccination system in any case.
An effective vaccination is now available.
The most effective vaccination will result in a small drop of blood running down the vaccinated arm.
But how effective such vaccinations might be in preventing spread to people is not known.
The good news is that meningitis is easily prevented by a simple and highly effective vaccination.
A cell-mediated immune response is crucial for effective vaccination against intracellular pathogens and chronic infections.
It is economically important to the poultry industry worldwide due to increased susceptibility to other diseases and negative interference with effective vaccination.