Poetry and, later, the short story became the most effective vehicles of the movement.
"We know how to build all the components to make an effective electric vehicle, but we still lack a good power source."
The F-106, our most modern and effective vehicle, first appeared on the design board in 1949 and has been in active service since 1959.
Unlike urban transportation planning however, he found Organization Development to be a more effective vehicle for helping people.
Radio can serve as an effective vehicle for content that is both educational and entertaining.
"We collectively believe that an open primary is a fair and effective vehicle for selecting the party's candidate."
Such stories would seem to offer a much less effective vehicle for such affective development and articulation.
The Church - for not learning how to be an effective vehicle of the gospel.
A doll is an effective vehicle for the performing self.
Nevertheless, by the end of this period, the unions had emerged as one of the most effective vehicles for black opposition.