The message was to question whether Mr. Regan was an effective watchdog and to highlight criticism of his fund-raising tactics by the State Government Integrity Commission.
What makes it all possible, of course, is the absence of effective watchdogs.
Besides driving home the need for the association to be an effective watchdog, the stock market crash helped it clinch a better deal on its new space.
He has declared that he can act as an effective watchdog for consumers without overregulating industry.
Despite those differences, the Mayor said yesterday that he believed that the board had become an effective watchdog.
Even if the agency had the power to levy fines, it does not have enough inspectors to act as an effective watchdog.
"F.D.A. needs the will, the resources and the authority to be a more effective watchdog of drug safety."
Mr. Raacke said he questioned whether the authority, which he said functioned as an unregulated monopoly, had any intention of financing an effective watchdog.
The PCC has failed as an effective watchdog.
Mr. Vallone acknowledged that the Council needs more staff before it can become an effective watchdog.