The Mayor assigns Council committee and liaison duties to effectively carry on the business of government.
In other areas, relays of bicycle-equipped runners can effectively carry messages between the teams and the local emergency operations center.
Whilst eating breakfast, Gwen notes that everybody with a mobile phone is in danger and is effectively carrying a bomb.
The guns are too heavy for an average soldier to carry effectively as a stand-alone system, so instead, specialized mechanical harnesses are utilized.
Her wall installation in the gallery's entrance effectively carries this spatial montage into three dimensions.
He rose brilliantly to passages of flashing virtuosity and carried through the various moods effectively, but remained on the whole a bit self-effacing.
This would allow producers to devote more time to the production, a distinct advantage, since Duke effectively carried the show.
Once the brief hullabaloo died down, Paul carried on his official duties effectively and efficiently.
Apparently it never had sufficient personnel to carry out effectively its mission.
It is also important that the local ombudsman in Chechnya is seen to be carrying out his duties impartially and effectively.