Warner Bros admitting they don't actually confirm the files are theirs, UMG filing a takedown notice for files they have absolutely no copyright claim to or takedown notices which infringe on fair use (e.g. the news story they effectively censored).
At the same time, President Eric Arturo Delvalle's office issued a decree effectively censoring all radio and television stations.
The company also comes under fire every time it agrees to work with these governments and effectively censor the agents of free speech and open information.
The "bear" in this episode, the monstrously-altered Allen Leighton, was judged by some of ABC's local affiliate stations to be so frightening that they broadcast a black screen during the Thetan's appearances, effectively censoring most of the show's last act.
In her impugned publications, Hartmann described how, in her view, the ICTY Appeals Chamber had used an invalid legal reasoning to effectively censor evidence which might have implicated Serbia-Montenegro in the commission of genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the 1990s Balkans wars.
When a publisher comes under pressure to suppress a book, but has already entered into a contract with the author, they will sometimes effectively censor the book by deliberately ordering a small print run and making minimal, if any, attempts to publicize it.
However, they are able to effectively censor media by refusing classification and making the media illegal for hire, exhibition and importation to Australia.
The film argues that the MPAA serves the interests of the major Hollywood studios at the expense of independent filmmakers and also that the organization often turns a blind eye to violence while working to effectively censor sexual content, especially when it involves homosexuality or female sexual empowerment.
Common variant comes with a black piece of cloth over her upper torso, effectively censoring the toy for mass distribution.