He "swung from the heels", and launched it into Tiger Stadium's right field upper deck, effectively clinching the series.
However, Bachus won the primary easily, effectively clinching a seventh term.
The play the coach was referring to, late in the second period, broke the momentum of a Minnesota comeback and gave Pittsburgh the 3-1 lead that effectively clinched the result.
If prehistoric remains were to be found at the farm Seven Wells, that would effectively clinch it.
Strawberry effectively clinched the game in the fifth inning.
Biffle and Kevin Harvick effectively clinch spots in the Chase; both need only to start in next week's race at Richmond to make the Chase.
He launched a hard smash into Tiger Stadium's right field upper deck, effectively clinching the game and the series.
John Kerry effectively clinches the 2004 Democratic Party presidential nomination by winning nine out of 10 "Super Tuesday" primaries and caucuses.
Cowen effectively clinched the Chiefs' championship by scoring into an empty net with 56 seconds to play.
On 25 March 1985, in a game against Real Valladolid, his penalty save against Mágico González effectively clinched the title.