E Concourse was effectively demolished in completion prior to November 1, 2011.
He continued, "Mr. Schaffner and Mr. Byrum have effectively demolished what could have possibly been a decently absurd archeological-adventure film.
Under Mother Ann Aspinal, the convent was expanded and rebuilt, culminating in the original property being effectively demolished and rebuilt with the order moving to a neighbouring house for two years.
However it was effectively demolished during the 1960s by the ethnologist David Simmons, who showed that it derived from an incomplete and indiscriminate study of Māori tradition as recorded in the 19th Century.
Separation of powers has been effectively demolished and replaced by the so-called 'Vertical of Power' which is based on the false idea that all the meaningful social and political processes must be kept under control by the state.
Now that enraged Albanian citizens - who recently lost $1.5 billion in failed pyramid schemes - have effectively demolished their Government in an ongoing display of anarchy, they might want to consider restoring their monarchy.
But this is Hell Gate, which in the 18th and 19th century, before it was effectively demolished, was one of the most treacherous bodies of water in the United States.
Your family has effectively demolished any chance I had of practicing medicine in Eden Pass.
She couldn't do much about Oliver Payne's knowledge of the program, but the special hardware was effectively demolished.
The scholars say that any argument that Russia and the United States still had reason to attack each other has been effectively demolished by the two nations' alliance against terrorism after the attacks on New York and Washington.