Guttural grunts and posturing effectively deter all but the most determined predators.
Production requires export subsidies for the domestic firm to capture the market, effectively deterring the competing entity.
At the very least, I believe, their presence would have effectively deterred the North Vietnamese from an all-out attack.
Even before the systems were ready for use, the number of interceptor missiles needed to effectively deter an attack kept increasing.
In fact, adult authority can effectively deter childhood bullying.
Releasing the toxin, they effectively deter their enemies, including humans who get blisters from the blood, hence the name.
But bail should be set at a level which effectively deters flight.
Others have suggested that acquiring Yahoo, with a market cap of about $31 billion, could effectively deter Comcast.
Our fines must also effectively deter companies from engaging in such anti-competitive practices in the future.
Such dependency effectively deterred many white non-slaveholders from engaging in any political activity that was not in the interest of the large slaveholders.