I was effectively imprisoned by the weight of my own body.
Having no real political experience, the new king was stripped of his powers by the Venizelists and effectively imprisoned in his own palace.
Having been effectively imprisoned underground, Mordru is defeated.
In the week of their country's fortieth birthday, East Germans were effectively imprisoned within their own borders.
Huang sealed off all exit routes from the island so Zhou was effectively imprisoned on the island for the next 15 years.
We decided it was better to let the robbers get to the vault where they were effectively imprisoned.
As the Libyan regime disintegrated, journalists were effectively imprisoned in the hotel, not allowed out of the guarded entrance unless on escorted tours.
They rattled the bars for several minutes before conceding they were effectively imprisoned; then they were ready to listen to Stile.
In my own country, Scotland, we have the disgraceful situation at the Dungavel detention centre, where children of asylum seekers are effectively imprisoned.
The strikers had hardly any outside support and many were effectively imprisoned by local police for gathering together in any public space during the strike.