By the same token, indexed home mortgages would effectively link financing costs to housing prices, because both would tend to rise and fall with inflation.
They effectively link adjacent chains to create crystals, which help reinforce the material.
This capability also allowed modifying the instruction pointer, so a program could effectively link other executable modules that were read during execution as data.
Learning how we measure time is something that could link effectively with cross-curricular work on telling the time, learning about the calendar and the seasons.
Mopped up when it mattered and linked effectively with wide men.
Participation in environmental decision-making effectively links the public to environmental governance.
"This device effectively links much larger groups, though it does so in a destructive fashion."
Ismay was crucial to running the war effort, as he was able to effectively link the military and civilian leadership.
She is 44 and believes that we have to learn to talk about our own ageing if we are to effectively link personal and social change.
In short, the EIB should be a bridge effectively linking investment to the needs of the EU.