Putting her lips to against the dryer sheet, she blew the smoke into the tube, effectively masking the odor.
It has the ability to cloak itself from another dimension, effectively masking its presence.
The atmosphere in the storeroom was thick with fragrant smoke whose scent effectively masked the smell of death.
Traditional security policies had effectively masked these underlying basic human needs in the face of state security.
In this way, Hitchcock effectively masked half the cuts in the film.
Mr. Mukhamedov effectively masked those difficulties and offered a shattering acting performance.
They were behind him, but the lower one was effectively masking the higher, rearmost from firing.
As night arrivedor continued; the darkness of the storm effectively masked the time of day herethe temperature would drop even further.
You hear the words, but the showiness of the delivery effectively masks their meaning, which isn't all bad.
The plasma storms were effectively masking the presence of the Enterprise.