The only way to effectively mitigate the impact of a tsunami is through an early warning system.
Biological Control Developing technologies that allow natural enemies to effectively mitigate the impacts of invasive arthropods, weeds, and plant pathogens.
In reality, the need to move the drive heads to the next block (to skip blocks already read by the other drives) can effectively mitigate speed advantages for sequential access.
Corporate security identifies and effectively mitigates or manages, at an early stage, any developments that may threaten the resilience and continued survival of a corporation.
During the hearing, current solutions were discussed as well as what is needed to responsibly and effectively mitigate the damages of the outbreak.
Greg and George concluded that the MCM could effectively mitigate the challenges that VisionSpring was confronting utilizing microcredit.
Modern people can effectively mitigate much of the impact of drought through irrigation and crop rotation.
This version effectively mitigates the accusation that Tiberius ever laid hands on an inviolate person such as Octavius, instead showing that Tiberius won his support with full legality.
However, it does not follow from these findings that governments can effectively mitigate business cycles fluctuations through discretionary changes in aggregate public spending or the short-term nominal interest rate.
Well-designed display mounts and storage housing, regulated storage space, and rehearsed drill procedures all contribute to effectively mitigating the risks associated with emergencies.