Muslim power in Madinah had been such that none could effectively oppose it.
And is there any charismatic intelligent leadership that could oppose effectively?
I could not effectively oppose the gnome physically, shamed as I am to admit it.
Who could effectively oppose him?
He did not say what has since become apparent: that the administration effectively opposed creating a government in exile that could take power when Mr. Hussein fell.
Though understandably unpopular with them, neither of them had the power to effectively oppose the army-supported Emperor.
This effectively opposes the vital campaign by gun-control advocates to attach the assault weapons ban to the law as an amendment, along with the gun-show measure.
MTS protested the action as a "shakedown", but was unable to effectively oppose it, and moved to write down its stake.
The Bush administration, uncertain that it could effectively oppose China's bid for the 2008 Olympics, has decided to remain silent on the issue.
He is an artist and poet, no longer in command of events and unable to effectively oppose the British demand for his throne.