It remains to be seen, therefore, whether the AEB can effectively oversee the various ministries involved in the MECB.
Through its structural adjustment programs, the I.M.F. and the bank now effectively oversee and supervise the economies of some 30 countries in sub-Saharan Africa.
-Effectively oversee the activities of the Department of Defense and its contractors, as according to the Constitution's Congressional mandate.
The conference addressed questions from state, county, and local government officials on how to effectively oversee the spending of Recovery Act funds.
For decades, rival committees and egos have been at the heart of Congress's failure to effectively oversee the government's mass of overlapping spy agencies.
A Gruppe was expected to dig in at 30 to 40 meters (33-45yd) (the maximum that a squad leader could effectively oversee).
"But there is no law that effectively oversees this."
In both instances, Louis personally and effectively oversaw local relief efforts, which helped earn him the title of Louis the Good.
The department did not have enough personnel "with the appropriate skills to effectively oversee the contractors' operations," the accounting office found in a February 1997 report.
In the ensuing weeks the two parties negotiated an agreement on a transitional federal coalition which would effectively oversee the dismantling of the Czechoslovak state.