However, the legislation, by effectively overturning the 1967 Supreme Court ruling, would likely help Florida overcome some expected constitutional challenges to its new sales tax.
Today in London, Amnesty International officials called the decision, which effectively overturns the state commission's authorization of force, a milestone.
Further, the legislation would specifically ban the use of drugs like morphine for physician-assisted suicide, effectively overturning Oregon's law.
In doing so, he effectively overturned an edict banning such party perks that Mr. Hu had announced with fanfare last year.
As a result, Budish drafted legislation that would effectively overturn Senate Bill 5.
He won, effectively overturning the export law.
Though not stated by Simon, the decision effectively overturned Russell.
Meanwhile support has been building in Congress for legislation that would permit credit unions to expand their membership, effectively overturning the court's decision.
The refusal of the Court to hear the challenges to the lower court decision effectively overturned the earlier 1971 Swann ruling.
But hours after the vote, which effectively overturned a federal judge's injunction against the registry, a second judge declared it a violation of free speech.